Today, most of the
individual still
believes that PPF is one of the best TAX saving instrument and religiously put their
money, the moment the new financial years starts and never ever worried about
the interest rate or withdrawing money immediately. They mentally lock
themselves for the next 15 years for the following reasons...
Currently 8.7% is tax free after 15 years! It will not be the same in the 15
Some money should be in a safe investment irrespective of the longggggg tenure!
If they are in 30% tax bracket, the rate of return will be over 12%, without
understanding what the future needs will be!!!
Somehow, my mind will never
ever accept any fixed instrument for more than 5 years. I keep telling my
friends and my investor that does not put money in a PPF, but hardly anyone
listen to my advice.
If something can be put it
in illustration at least some people will understand how PPF is not a suitable
product after 15 years. This is one such initiative to put the numbers in
will explain you two scenarios
One of the investor
invested Rs. 8,000 per month which amounts to Rs. 96,000 per annum in PPF and I
assume 11.58% (to match the same amount in both illustration I derived this
percentage for PPF) interest and the total investment is Rs. 13,68,000 and the
final value is Rs. 34,87,612 and instead of 180 months I have taken 171 months
because of the ELSS fund, I have compared is only 171 months old.
Suppose the same money is
invested in ELSS fund the value would become Rs. 67,87,516 for the same
investment which produces 18.66% CAGR.
Both the money is tax free
and the difference only 33 Lakhs!
In the 2 scenario one individual
is invested only for the first 3 years and from 37th month onwards he is
withdrawing 8K and put it back to earn tax exemption. Taking 8K and putting
back 8k in other words further contribution is stopped and the first 3 years
contribution is allowed to grow. Hope I made it clear.
Here, the investor got tax
exemption for all the 171 months whereas his investment was only Rs 2,88,000
and the return would be the same Rs. 34,87,452.
Whereas in the PPF the
investment is Rs. 13,68,000 and the same return of Rs. 34,87,612.
Rs. 96,000 the tax exemption will be Rs. 19,200. For 15 Years it would
be 15*19,200=2,88,000. In other words, you will get 100% tax exemption
of your investment along with great returns!

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